Instruct Us
Date 09 August 2024
Year of Build 2011
Casualty type Explosion
Vessel Type Container Carrier - VT UCC

------------------GA SECURITY REQUIRED-------------------

22 August 2024

* Further to our recent reports concerning the explosion onboard container carrier YM MOBILITY (IMO: 9457737), we have received the following information:

* We are advised that the owners have declared General Average as a consequence of the explosion and subsequent fire.

* Consequently, General Average security will be required from all Cargo Interests prior to the delivery of their cargo, and we may be able to assist in that regard.

* We are already instructed for certain cargo onboard the vessel and may be able to offer certain economies of scale in respect of any third-party costs, including investigative costs related to the cause of the fire.

* We have a fire expert and cargo surveyors on hand to investigate the cause of the fire and the extent of damage to any cargo so affected, if required.

* We therefore recommend that you contact us urgently if you are concerned with any cargo on board this vessel so that we can immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.


16 August 2024

* Further to our initial report concerning the explosion on board container ship YM MOBILITY (IMO 9457737), we have received the following information.

* It is reported that there are no visible flames on board the vessel, which remains berthed at the port, presumably for inspection.

* The vessel will likely proceed to repair and the cargo be discharged and transhipped to destination on other vessels.

* We are already instructed for certain cargo onboard the vessel and we may be able to offer certain economies of scale in respect of any third party costs which may need to be incurred in handling this case, including investigative costs of the cause of the explosion.

* We have a fire expert and cargo surveyors on hand to investigate the cause of the fire and the extent of damage to any cargo so affected, if required.

* It is possible that General Average / Salvage and Recovery issues may arise as a result of this casualty.

* We therefore recommend that you contact us urgently if you are concerned with any cargo on board this vessel so that we can immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.


* We have received reports that a serious explosion occurred on board container ship YM MOBILITY (IMO 9457737) whilst berthed at Beilun Port, China, on 9 August 2024.

* It is not currently clear what the full consequences of the explosion are but from media reports the explosion occurred towards the bow of the vessel. At least three tugs have been deployed to provide emergency support.

* Initial reports are that the source of the explosion may have been a container stowed on the deck of the vessel which is understood to have been loaded with a IMDG dangerous cargo, although it is too early to be definitive at this stage.

* Damage to cargo stowed near the explosion will have inevitably occurred and which may include fire, heat, and smoke damage. We have surveyors on standby to assist with surveys of damaged cargo that may be necessary.

* Aside from damage to affected cargo and ensuing recovery issues, it is also possible that this matter will give rise to General Average and/or salvage issues. We are monitoring the situation closely and will report further once the situation becomes clearer.

* We recommend that you contact us urgently if you are concerned with any cargo stowed on board this vessel so that we may immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.
